Why choose Soprano laser hair removal by Alma?

aser hair removal isn’t something particularly new. It has been popularized in the early 2000’s by medical aesthetic chains around the world. One can say it was one of those magical moments in time. Moments where a new technology is highly beneficial for both the client and the provider. From the client’s side (the patient), using laser or IPL for hair removal meant a less painful experience, and most importantly, a quicker one. From the practitioners’ side, using precise and quick technology instead of traditional waxing or plucking meant happier clients, and the ability the fit more of them into a days’ work.

Naturally, the people who were already into hair removal were the first ones to happily adopt laser hair removal. But they were not the majority. Most people are those who would never even consider hair removal if it involved long painful waxing sessions. Furthermore, they were still hesitant to try out the newly introduced laser technology. So what happened that turned